How do I protect my skin in the summer?

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How do I protect my skin in the summer?

With rising temperatures and intense exposure to sunlight, skin needs change dramatically due to environmental factors such as increased humidity and direct exposure to harmful sunlight.

Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the importance of skin care in the summer and the most important tips to keep your skin fresh and healthy.

We divide the tips into two parts, the first part relates to skin care while going out and the other part is keeping your body hydrated through these tips.

Part One: Skin care in summer

Sun protection

Because sunlight is the main cause of many skin problems such as burns, pigmentation, and the appearance of early wrinkles.

Therefore, it is necessary to use sunscreen regularly when leaving the house, even if you will not be exposed to the sun that day. Choose a high SPF sunscreen of at least SPF50, and renew it every two hours to maintain its effectiveness.

Deep hydration

In the summer, the body loses a lot of fluids due to sweat, which leads to dry skin. Therefore, you must be careful to drink sufficient amounts of water and use moisturizing creams that are effective for your skin type, which contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and glycerin to keep the skin moisturized from the inside and outside. It is preferable to use it in the morning and evening.

Daily cleaning

The heat and sun release the natural oils in the skin, and this happens frequently during the summer, which increases the chances of clogged pores and the appearance of acne. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the skin twice a day using gentle cleansers suitable for your skin type that remove any deposits and oils without causing dry skin.

Use light products

In the summer, especially when going out in high temperatures, it is recommended not to use heavy cosmetics that may clog the pores and increase the problem of sweating and thus negatively affect the skin. Choose products with a light, watery formula that absorbs quickly and provides the necessary hydration without feeling heavy on your skin.

Intensive care for specific areas

Some areas, such as the lips and around the eyes, need special and focused care. Use moisturizing lip balm with sunscreen intended for the lips and eye creams that contain soothing and moisturizing ingredients.

Part Two: Taking care of the body from the inside until it appears on your skin

Eat healthy, high-fiber foods

Food plays a big role in skin health, especially during high temperatures. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals helps enhance skin freshness and protect it from environmental damage.

Make sure to eat foods that contain vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc to support skin health.

Drink water heavily
Do not be lazy to drink water continuously and throughout the entire day, until you feel properly hydrated and this appears on your external skin. It is recommended to drink no less than 3 liters of water daily, throughout the day, and not at one time or for one hour during the heat. To include hydration within the body and appear on the skin afterwards.

Avoid direct exposure to sunlight

Try to avoid direct exposure to sunlight during peak times (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). If you have to go out during this period, wear sunglasses and a wide hat to protect your face and eyes.

Skin care in the summer requires some effort and attention, but the results will be tangible and impressive. By following these tips and choosing the right products for your skin, you can enjoy fresh, healthy skin throughout the summer.

Visit Tello to explore a wide range of Korean and Japanese skin care products with advanced formulas that help you maintain the beauty and freshness of your skin in the summer.

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